Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is NOT a Test

With the way blogs sort by month and the way I’m rambling in the narrative, seems like a recap is in order
This blog documents one guy’s slow and ongoing descent into blindness. Being diabetic is an underlying factor but not the direct cause.
I have been blind in one eye since 2003 due to diabetic retinapathy being opportunistic of a striation injury to the right eye. Since then, I lived with pretty much full function despite this handicap and meticulously saw retina specialists to chart any potential changes in the good eye. The doctors found no changes in comparative exams.
I went through a couple doctors. Some tried scaring me into immediate PRP laser surgery even though the left eye showed bleeding or signs of active or ongoing retina damage. (Yes, there was old damage as all diabetics will develop just by nature of the disease’s side effects.) Other doctors failed to report factors or conditions that should have wider documentation, or they demonstrated clear unwillingness to communicate with their patients. While I acknowledge that I may get disillusioned by doctors or other "authority figures" if they do not live up to the responsibilities that come with their "power," O see no reason to tolerate bad service or willful failure to communicate (or outright lies, even if "only" by omission) from doctors. This is especially true as I am a self pay patient.
For the first time in my life I saw with rose colored lenses and that was just a vitreous hemorrhage suffered in October 2009. This filled the cataract-debilitated eye with blood. The hemorrhage happened less than 24 hours after I took a Cialis (a Viagra or Levitra type boner pill drug) but did not "take advantage" of the drug’s purpose.
I am not blogging for any call for sympathy. I am making the complicated situation available to those who are usually too polite to ask in person (who’da thunk I even knew people like that.) The blog writing is a step I need to take in the course of accepting that this is my new permanent status quo, until it gets even worse. I have been told by "some" people that I have been an incredibly stubborn ass in the acceptance part. Just because I can do things like drive to the supermarket or use power tools such as chain saws does not mean that I should. Some people yell or lecture when I’m going to do things like that. Other people want to watch.
Yet the most important purpose of this blog is to get information publicly available. This information will include things from my experience that other people, especially diabetics and boner pill users, should know. Things their doctors won’t tell them.
If masturbation can make you go blind, those boner pills can get you there a helluva lot faster.

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