Friday, November 11, 2011

Cataract Surprises, Part 1

I’ll start this one with a good thing to say so I don’t come across bitter or unbalanced, too much.
Other doctors, not associated with Koch Eye Associates, have asked me who did the cataract surgery because they were greatly impressed with the technical expertise on the job.
From my first visit to Doctor Michael Negrey, I had mixed feelings. His bedside manner sucked. He wanted to tell and talk and had no patience for patient questions. He had, in that visit, noted something that could be critical, a potential thyroid problem. I paid for the MRI that proved no thyroid concern out of pocket, but I was happy to have a potential problem diagnosed and eliminated. It all goes to informed consent about my own medical care, and I do not begrudge mere money when I am, getting some kind of bang for my buck.
Informed consent is exactly what Dr. Negrey a.k.a. Doctor God, denied me in most every other way.
As I judge by his demeanor, Negrey is God. He is an angry and envious God whose divine judgment is not to be questioned. His patients should bow to him and make sacrifice and worship his power of light and dark.
Doctor God did not tell me the extent of the blood in my eye. He told me that removing the cataract would remove the blood that had filled the cataract and would restore my distance vision like new. Those things were true.
Doctor God did not tell me that cataract surgery in and of itself is a risk of triggering diabetic retinapathy. The doctor doing the PRP surgery also did not tell me that both the cataract and the PRP surgery itself risk diabetic retinapathy.
Doctor God also did not tell me that the center of they eye was also filled with blood. As much as I have freely talked about vitreous hemorrhages on this blog, I had no knowledge of them when the Cialis triggered mine.
I had expected to be restored after the cataract surgery. I was not. The vitreous fluid was as blood filled as the cataract had been. The red cloud remained, different but just as bad.

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