Thursday, April 5, 2012


The decline in eyesight this academic year fell fast. The Charcot foot diminished me more, and neither thing will ever be fully healed. I’m coming to terms with that, bit by bit. Instead of being a blind guy who walks with arms extended before me to catch a fall or buffer a bump, I also typically drag one leg a bit. I imagine I look like the staple lab assistant of horror movies.
The lack of posts over the past month has not been a lack of interest ion the blog, but dwindled ability. Everything I do takes more out of me than it should, and other responsibilities absorb time that always seems overly extended. Anything also had the potential of frustrating me to temporary retreat from trying to do things for myself.
Computer use has diminished since the January reattachment procedure. Eyestrain comes quickly; headaches usually follow. Proofreading is more difficult than ever. I can’t really see whole words as cohesive units. The serifs of "r" and "t" make the letters close twins to me, and I have great difficulty finding an "I" that inserted itself via typo when striking an "o" or "u."
I still strive for an active life, but find it prudent and ultimately more responsible to reduce commitments. I wrote out notice to my bowling league to solicit replacement for myself as league secretary for next season. Earlier this year I resigned from the community board I had served on for a number of years. I took pride and satisfaction in those things and other activities that lent social outlet to someone who worked alone rather than in group settings for the past ten-plus years.
I’m hoping that in doing less I will ultimately be able to do more, including things back burnered for far too long.

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