Thursday, November 3, 2011

If it quacks like a doc...

There’s an old saying that a good excuse is one you can use over and over. That might be true, but not every excuse used over and over is a good one. The diabetes is in the second category.
Today I went to an urgent care center about a foot and ankle that has been sore and swollen for about a month. Nothing’s broken, so it amounts to staying off of it more than I have been. I didn’t think anything was broken by range of movement and other quirks, but it’s good to know for sure. Part of the ongoing concern that sent me to the E was that the prolonged swelling could be symptom of or cause circulation problems in my diabetic foot.
I asked the attending doctor about a cortisone shot. She said they didn’t like giving shots to diabetics because of the increased risk of infection.
Yes. I heard that right and you read it right.
They don’t like giving SHOTS to DIABETICS because of the increased risk of infection.
This does not decrease my cynicism of modern American medicine.
Don’t get me started on the profiteering of unnecessary finger poking for blood sugar testing, up to and including television commercials that show lazy women too self sacrificing to disturb her husband and kids by not getting up off the couch to wash her hands before jabbing her finger. I’m sure that it was simply oversight that the commercial did not show the woman two weeks later having her grossly infected finger amputated. That whole subject will wait for future posts.

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