Thursday, January 5, 2012

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

I maintain that diabetes is curable, but that there is no real-world motivation to do so. I don’t call the obstacles "political;" they are clearly economic.
I am talking "juvenile" diabetes here, also known as Type 1 or diabetes mellitus.
Type 2 diabetes is an effect of old age or overuse of the pancreas that weakens the organ just as age and less-than-ideal use can wear out any other body part. My definition of overuse stems from the fact that obese people, including children these days, overtax the pancreas with bad diet and obesity.
In true juvenile diabetes, the cause roots to basic organ failure. The pancreas stops producing the blood-sugar regulating hormone known as insulin.
I looked over the "Cure" page on the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation website, at
Note that the web page address does not even include the word "cure."
This cure page does not discuss possibilities of organ transplants, islet replacement or cellular stimulation. It does not delve into specific theories on correcting the "misguided" immune response. Instead, it offers vague excuses why they have such difficulty finding a cure.
Call me cynical, but I read nothing on that very short page about the JDRF actively searching for a cure. The focus throughout the entire web site is treatment options and new therapies, not a cure.
I read "need to find ways to turn off the misguided immune system attack on the insulin-producing beta cells" and I see research geared towards a profitable vaccine that will make a pharmaceutical company gobs of money.
I read "need to find a way to restore the body's ability to produce its own insulin" and I can think of other ways to do this beyond the two they mention. The cure page mentioned nowhere how the pancreas regulates blood sugars as well as produces insulin.
From there, the web page launches into a discussion of identifying markers for Type 1 Diabetes and tracking the existing disease’s response to new therapies. This does not sound like cure research to me. It’s more vaccination research, and further research into new, patent-able drugs to treat those already afflicted, which will also make the lucky pharmaceuticals gobs of money.
The BS doesn’t end there. "Identifying appropriate subjects for clinical trials: is touted as an obstacle to research when it’s as easy as buying the BD, One-Touch Ultra and Ely Lilly mailing lists for new products.
"Providing endpoints of effectiveness" is as easy as seeing if the patient’s body is producing its own insulin after the trial.
Another page on the JDRF site, well buried under the "for scientists" section is
This page claims outright, "The biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries are an integral, vital, and growing part of the search for a cure" and touts how "both pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to accelerate the discovery, development, and commercialization of disease-modifying therapeutics and devices to better treat and cure." The search for better ways to treat is a certainty. The pharmaceuticals certainly desire the "commercialization" of diabetes. Curing diabetes is contrary to the pharmaceuticals’ best interests of commercialization.
It doesn’t seem to take too much reading to see the reality of the JDRF and similar organizations. They are the pharmaceuticals’ bitches.
There will be no cure until that fact changes.

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