Sunday, January 27, 2013

Victrectomy Post Op

I described "scars" on the cornea that I thought were left from incisions necessary during the victrectomy. This procedure involves draining the eye of existing fluids and replacing it, usually with saline solution. My highly recommended retina specialist who performed the January 10 procedure, Doctor Krzystolik, said that the circles I can see are more likely to be drops of the silicone oil that was put in my eye during the 2012 retina reattachment. Her theory is probably the case. She’s the doctor and has more experience in these things. From my perspective, the larger circles have begun to either dissipate or have merged.
My vision has changed since the recent procedure, mostly for the better. I can see better at a distance of about four feet, but not particularly clearly or in detail.
Light sensitivity remains a major problem and affects me in different ways. The computer is still problematic, but in different ways. Prior to the victrectomy, I managed the computer by using a 32-inch TV as a monitor, with the screen zoomed in, with a magnifying mouse, and with glasses. Now the glasses actually hinder view of the monitor but remain necessary for me to see the keyboard.
Of course, having a cataract lense that blinded me to close vision remains a major problem. The "Cataract" label will bring up most of the old history on that, as would many of the posts under the "God Complex" label.
I feel more discomfort from the eye since the victrectomy. Redness in the eyeball is common. They eye often feels itchy and raw, and it tears often, as in wetness, not ripping. There’s also frequent pain, in the eye, the socket, and headaches that radiate on that left side of my head.
The pain was worst five days after the surgery, to excruciating levels. I have a high pain threshold, so I can’t imagine how others might describe what I was feeling.
I blamed myself for this onset of pain, because I had exerted that day, lifting barrels of ice melting salt and carrying groceries up all the stairs necessary to get home.
Doctor Krzystolik said she didn’t think the exertion caused the problem.
I was suffering a side effect from the procedure....

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